Spordikaamera GoPro HERO13 Black Accessory Bundle Accessory Bundle
Spordikaamera GoPro HERO13 Black Accessory Bundle Accessory Bundle
Spordikaamera GoPro HERO13 Black Accessory Bundle Accessory Bundle
Spordikaamera GoPro HERO13 Black Accessory Bundle Accessory Bundle

Spordikaamera GoPro HERO13 BlackAccessory Bundle

Tootekood: CHDRB-131-RW
495,95€? 499,99€
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*Kaup kätte kulleriga või pakiautomaadist varasemalt 17.10


HERO13 Black on ideaalne kaamera igale loojale. See pakub tipptasemel 5.3K60 videot ja legendaarset GoPro vastupidavust ning on ühilduv uute HB-seeria objektiividega. Need objektiivid laiendavad teie jäädvustusvõimalusi, pakkudes kõige kaasahaaravamaid vaatepunkte, võimalust fookustada lähemale kui kunagi varem, saavutada kergesti liikumise hägusust neutraalse tiheduse filtrite abil ning luua kinematograafilisi anamorfseid kaadreid.

Kaameral on uus ja võimsam Enduro aku, mis pikendab salvestusaega igas ilmastikutingimuses. Uuendatud kinnitusüsteem pakub HERO13 Blackile rohkem paindlikkust kui varasematel GoPro mudelitel.

HERO13 ühendab endas olulised GoPro funktsioonid nagu auhinnatud HyperSmooth 6.0 videostabiliseerimine, automaatsed tipphetkede videod ja võimaluse kaadrid automaatselt pilve üles laadida. See on võimas kombinatsioon tipptasemel tehnoloogiast ja lõpututest loomevõimalustest.

Rohkem Energiavalikuid
HERO13 Black pakub rohkem energiavalikuid kui ükski varasem GoPro mudel. Contacto veekindel magnetiline toitekaabel ja uksekomplekt¹ võimaldavad magnetilise ühenduse kaudu kiiresti ja lihtsalt ühendada kaamera välise toiteallikaga. Kahekordne akulaadija ja integreeritud akupank¹ sisaldab sisemist akut, mis võimaldab kahe Enduro aku mugavat laadimist kõikjal. Seda saab ka otse kaamerasse ühendada, et pikendada salvestusaega.

Paindlikum Kinnitusvõimalus
HERO13 Blackil on kolm kinnitusvõimalust, mis teevad selle mitmekülgsemaks kui kunagi varem. Uus magnetilise lukuga kinnitus¹ võimaldab kaamerat kiiremini ja lihtsamalt ühelt kinnitussüsteemilt teisele vahetada. Sisseehitatud kinnitusotsikute abil saate kaamera kindlalt kinnitada GoPro kinnitustele, kui vajate vastupidavat kinnitust karmides tingimustes. 1/4-20 keermestatud kinnitus võimaldab kasutada statiive ja muid standardseid kaameratarvikuid.

Lihtne Käed-vabad Jäädvustamine
HERO13 Blackil on mitmeid funktsioone, mis muudavad hämmastava video jäädvustamise lihtsaks ka siis, kui teie käed on hõivatud näiteks lenkstangi, suusakeppide või veetrossiga. See on piisavalt kompaktne ja kerge, et seda mugavalt kanda, kasutades mõnda paljudest saadaval olevatest GoPro kehamountidest. Kui kaamera on kinnitatud, saate kasutada häälkäsklusi täieliku käed-vabad juhtimise jaoks.

Kinnitused Iga Tegevuse Jaoks
Ratta-, surfilauda-, auto-, kepi- ja pikendusvarda kinnitused ning käepidemed – GoProl on kinnituslahendusi igaks olukorraks. Jäädvustage oma seiklusi dramaatilistest uutest nurkadest või salvestage vaatepunkti videoid ja elage oma hämmastavaid hetki uuesti läbi just nii, nagu neid ise nägite.

HERO13 Black viib oma parima pildikvaliteedi järgmisele tasemele võimalusega salvestada Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) formaadis, mida professionaalid kasutavad 5.3K ja 4K video salvestamiseks 10-bitises ja Rec. 2100 värviruumis. See täiustatud funktsioon nõuab ühilduvat kuva ja meediamängijat taasesituseks. Kasutajad saavad siiski jäädvustada videoid HDR-formaadis ilma HLG-ta tavaliste ekraanide ja meediamängijate jaoks.

Lai, Vertikaalne ja Täisekraani Jäädvustus
HERO13 Blacki võimas 1/1.9-tolline pildisensor pakub rohkem võimalusi. Valige lai ekraani jäädvustus (16:9 kuvasuhe) täisekraani esitamiseks teleris või vertikaalsed videod (9:16 kuvasuhe) sotsiaalmeedia postituste jaoks. Maksimaalseks paindlikkuseks pakub täisekraani valik (8:7 kuvasuhe) 156° vaatenurka, mis võimaldab hiljem lai- ja vertikaalvõtteid kärpida.

10-bitine Värv ja Log Kodeerimine
HERO13 Black võimaldab valida standardvideo salvestamise 10-bitise või Log kodeerimise 10-bitise GP-Logiga. 10-bitine värv kuvab üle 1 miljardi värvitooni, pakkudes sügavamat värvide esitamist, sujuvamaid üleminekuid ja realistlikumat pildikvaliteeti. Edasijõudnud kasutajad saavad kasutada GP-Logi, et saada oma materjalist rohkem detaile ja teha pildikorrektuure järeltöötluses (pakutakse ka LUT-tabelit).

Ajakoodi Sünkroonimine
Edasijõudnud kasutajad, kellel on rohkem kui üks HERO13 Black, saavad kaamerad sünkroonida täpse ajakoodiga, et teha mitme kaamera redigeerimine palju lihtsamaks. See töötab koos Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere ja teiste redigeerimistarkvaradega, et veelgi lihtsustada järeltöötlust.

27 MP Fotod ja 24,7 MP Kaadrid Videost
HERO13 Black teeb 27 MP üksik-, intervall-, sarivõtte- ja öövõtteid, mis võimaldavad jäädvustada tavalisi, kiireid ja vähese valgusega võtteid. Samuti saate GoPro Quik äpi abil oma lemmikvideokaadritest kuni 24,7 MP suurepäraseid fotosid.

Bluetooth Audio Ühenduvus
Bluetooth audio võimaldab HERO13 Blackil juhtmevabalt ühendada ühilduvate seadmetega. Kasutage juhtmevaba mikrofoni paremaks helikvaliteediks, kui räägite stseeni või intervjuu ajal. Ühendades oma juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid, suudab GoPro kuulda teie häälkäsklusi isegi mürarikastes keskkondades või siis, kui kaamera on kuuldeulatusest väljas. Samuti saate läbi kõrvaklappide kuulda kaamera hoiatusi, mis kinnitavad, et kaamera on käskluse kätte saanud ja teeb soovitud toimingu.

Helihäälestus võimaldab kohandada heli salvestust vastavalt jäädvustatavale materjalile. Valige tasakaalustatud tõetruu heli, mis sobib enamiku võtetega, või Hääle seadistus, mis rõhutab vokaali selgust, säilitades samas taustheli.

Kiirem QuikCapture
QuikCapture on kiireim ja lihtsaim viis HERO13 Blacki käivitamiseks ja salvestamise alustamiseks. Kõik, mida vajate, on päästiku nupu vajutamine. Nüüd saate oma kaamera jätta ooteolekusse ilma täielikult välja lülitamata. See võimaldab salvestamise alustamist veelgi kiiremini. Ideaalne viis jääda paindlikuks ja valmis salvestamiseks aktiivsete võtteperioodide ajal.

GPS ja Jõudluskleebised
GPS jäädvustab automaatselt telemeetria andmeid, mida saab animatsioonidega oma video peale lisada GoPro Quik äpi abil. See on visuaalne viis näidata oma kiirust, teekonda, maastikku, kõrgust ja G-jõude, andes videotele professionaalse ja põneva ilme.

Eesmine ja Tagumine LCD-ekraan
Kadrige oma võtteid ideaalselt nii esi- kui tagumisel LCD-ekraanil. Kasutage suurt tagumist puuteekraani, et jäädvustada stseeni enda ees, või keerake kaamera ringi ja kasutage esiekraani vlogginguks ja ideaalselt kadreeritud selfideks.

Rohkem Eelseadevalikuid
Loo eelseaded oma lemmikseadetele—resolutsioonid, kaadrisagedused, objektiivid ja palju muud—kõigi oma lemmiktegevuste jaoks ja vaheta neid mugavalt vaid paari nupuvajutusega. Saate neid isikupärastada kohandatud nimedega otse kaameras või GoPro Quik äpi abil.

Tipphetkede Videod Automaatselt Telefonile
Lihtsalt ühendage oma GoPro koduse WiFi-võrguga. Laadimise ajal laetakse teie materjal automaatselt üles pilve ja sellest luuakse tipphetkede video koos muusika ja efektidega. Videod saadetakse automaatselt teie telefoni ja on jagamiseks valmis.

Lihtne Redigeerimine GoPro Quik Äpiga
GoPro Quik äpp on täis lihtsaid tööriistu, mis võimaldavad teil oma materjali redigeerida nagu professionaal. Saate kohandada automaatseid tipphetkede videoid, mida äpp loob, või teha oma videoid algusest lõpuni. Samuti on teil võimalus muuta digitaalseid objektiive pärast salvestamist ja suumida parimatele lõikudele oma materjalist, et luua kõrge eraldusvõimega väljalõiked, mis keskenduvad tegevusele, kärpides ülejäänud osa.

Tehnilised andmed

Design + Dimensions

Dimensions: 2.79"W x 2.16"H x 1.32"D (71.0Wmm x 55.0H x 33.6D)
Weight: 157g. Of this, the battery accounts for 33g. 
Rear LCD: 2.27" (57.66mm)
Rear Display: 1.88" x 1.25" (48.0mm x 32.0mm)
Rear Glass: 2.46" x 1.64" (62.7mm x 41.7mm)
Front Display: 1.4" (35.56mm)
Front Display Glass: 1.57" x 1.12" (40.0mm x 28.6mm)
Removable 1900mAh Enduro Battery
Rugged + Waterproof
10m (33ft)
Built-In Mounting with Folding Fingers
¼-20 Mount
Removable Water-repelling Cover Glass
Memory Storage microSD
1 microSD™ with at least V30 or higher UHS-3 rating
Media Mod (H9B/H10B/H11B/H12B)
Operating Temperature
-10º C - 35º C

Image Quality / Hardware Spec

System Processor
Image Sensor
1/1.9" CMOS
27.6 MP active pixels
Lens Aperture
35mm Equivalent Focal Length
Min = 12mm
Max = 39mm



The following video options are available when HDR is selected:

Aspect Ratio Resolution Frame Rate Digital Lens HyperSmooth
16:9 5.3K 30/24 SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear + Horizon Leveling AutoBoost, On, Off
16:9 4K 60 Wide, Linear AutoBoost, On, Off
16:9 4K 30/24 HyperView, SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear + Horizon Lock AutoBoost, On, Off
8:7 4K 30/24 Wide On, Off

Pro Controls:
Image Dimensions - The width and height of the image (in pixels) for the different Aspect Ratios are:

5.3K: 5312x2988
4K: 3840x2160
2.7K: 2704x1520
1080p: 1920x1080
4K: 4000x3000
2.7K: 2704x2028
5.3K: 5312x4648
4K: 3840x3360
4K: 2160x3840
1080p: 1080x1920

Video Mode Aspect Ratio settings:

16:9 Aspect Ratio info:

  • Zoom:
    • Wide or Linear Digital Lens
    • 2x zoom for 1080p (except for 240fps) or 1.4x zoom for resolutions 2.7K and above.
  • HyperSmooth options: AutoBoost, On, Off (Off not available with Linear + Horizon Leveling).
  • Variable Bit Rate: The more complex the scene and the longer the recording, the higher the bit rate.
Resolution FPS Digital Lens Options Bit Depth Options Bit Rate Options
5.3K 60/50 SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Leveling 8-Bit, 10-Bit Standard, High
5.3K 30/25 HyperView, SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit, 10-Bit Standard, High
5.3K 24 HyperView, SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit, 10-Bit Standard, High
4K 120/100 SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Leveling 8-Bit, 10-Bit Standard, High
4K 60/50 HyperView, SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit, 10-Bit Standard, High
4K 30/25 HyperView, SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit, 10-Bit Standard, High
4K 24 HyperView, SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit, 10-Bit Standard, High
2.7K 240/200 Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Leveling 8-Bit Standard
1080p 240/200 Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Leveling 8-Bit Standard
1080p 120/100 SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit Standard
1080p 60/50 SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit Standard
1080p 30/25 SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit Standard
1080p 24 SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock 8-Bit Standard

4:3 Aspect Ratio info:

  • 2.7K resolution: 120/100/fps
  • Digital Lens Options: Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock
  • 1.4x zoom in Wide and Linear
  • HyperSmooth options: AutoBoost, On, Off
  • Bit Depth Options: 8-Bit
  • Bit Rate Options: High, Standard
  • Variable Bit Rate: The more complex the scene and the longer the recording, the higher the bit rate.

8:7 Aspect Ratio info:

  • Resolutions/Frame Rates:
    • 5.3K: 30/25/24fps
    • 4K: 60/50/30/25/24fps
  • Wide Digital Lens
  • 1.4x Zoom
  • HyperSmooth options: On, Off
  • Bit Depth Options: 8-Bit, 10-Bit
  • Bit Rate Options: High, Standard
  • Variable Bit Rate: The more complex the scene and the longer the recording, the higher the bit rate.

9:16 Aspect Ratio info:

  • Resolutions/Frame Rates:
    • 4K: 60/50/30/25/24fps
    • 1080p: 60/50/30/25fps
  • Wide Digital Lens
  • Zoom:
    • 1.4x in 4K
    • 2x in 1080p
  • HyperSmooth options: On or Off
  • Bit Depth Options: 8-Bit
  • Bit Rate Options: High, Standard
  • Variable Bit Rate: The more complex the scene and the longer the recording, the higher the bit rate.


HERO13 Black photo resolution is 27MP in an 8:7 Aspect Ratio. The image size is 5568 x 4872 pixels.

Single Photo info:

  • Aspect Ratio: 8:7
  • Digital Lens options: Wide, Linear
  • Zoom: Wide and Linear (only Wide when using RAW photo output).
  • Duration Capture
  • Interval Shooting

Single Photo settings/options:

Digital Lens Output Options Shutter Options Denoise Options Color Options
Wide SuperPhoto N/A High Vibrant
Wide HDR, Standard, RAW Auto, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000

High, Medium, Low

Vibrant, Natural, Flat
Linear SuperPhoto N/A High Vibrant
Linear HDR N/A High, Medium, Low Vibrant
Linear Standard Auto, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000 High, Medium, Low Vibrant, Natural, Flat

Burst Photo info:

  • Aspect Ratio: 8:7
  • Digital Lens options: Wide, Linear
  • Zoom: Wide, Linear
  • Denoise Options: High, Medium, Low
  • Color options: Vibrant, Natural, Flat
  • Burst options: Auto, 3/1s, 5/1s, 10/1s, 30/3s, 30/60s, 60/6s, 60/10s 
    • Max burst is 25/1x in bright conditions.
    • Min burst is 3/1s in low light conditions
    • Auto is always set to 1s intervals: 30/1s, 10/1s, 5/1s, 3/1s.
    • In cases where there are not enough frames to confirm the correct luminance, the rate can default to 30/1s.
    • When shooting Burst photos in RAW, the processing time is increased. This may affect your ability to take Burst shots back-to-back quickly.
  • RAW Photo in Wide

Night Photo info:

  • Aspect Ratio: 8:7
  • Shutter options: Auto, 2s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s
  • Digital Lens options: Wide, Linear
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low
  • Color options: Vibrant, Natural, Flat
  • Zoom
  • RAW in Wide

Burst Slo-Mo

Burst Slo-Mo Settings

Burst Slo-Mo is available with the following settings:

Aspect Ratio Resolution Frames Per Second Digital Lens Recording Time Limit (In Seconds)
16:9 5.3K 120 Wide 5
16:9 900p 360 Linear 15
16:9 720p 400 Narrow 15

Time Lapse

TimeWarp Video:

TimeWarp Videos have the following settings/options:

  • File Format: HEVC (H.265)
  • Bit Depth: 8-Bit
  • Bit Rate options: High, Standard
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low
  • Color options: Vibrant, Natural, Flat
  • Speed options: Auto, 2x, 5x, 10x, 15x, 30x
  • Zoom: Wide or Linear
  • RealTime Audio

The Aspect Ratio determines the Resolution and Digital Lens options:

Aspect Ratio Resolutions Options Digital Lens Options
16:9 5.3K, 4K, 1080p HyperView, SuperView, Wide, Linear, Linear+Horizon Lock
9:16 4K, 1080p Wide
8:7 5.3K, 4K Wide

Time Lapse Video:

Time Lapse Videos have the following settings/options:

  • File Format: HEVC (H.265)
  • Bit Depth: 8-Bit
  • Bit Rate options: High, Standard
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low
  • Color options: Vibrant, Natural, Flat
  • Speed options: Auto, 2x, 5x, 10x, 15x, 30x
  • Digital Lens options: Wide, Linear
  • Interval options: .5s, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m

The Aspect Ratio determines the Resolution and Digital Lens options:

Aspect Ratio Resolutions Options
16:9 5.3K, 4K, 1080p
8:7 5.3K, 4K

Time Lapse Photo

Time Lapse Photo has the following settings/options:

  • Aspect Ratio: 8:7 
  • Resolution: 27MP (5568x4872)
  • Interval options: .5s, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
  • Digital Lens options: Wide, Linear
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low
  • Color options: Vibrant, Natural, Flat
  • RAW: Wide (3s and longer intervals)

Night Lapse Video

Night Lapse Video has the following settings/options:

  • File Format: HEVC (H.265)
  • Bit Depth: 8-Bit
  • Bit Rate options: High, Standard
  • Shutter options: Auto, 2s, 4s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s
  • Interval options: .5s, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
  • Digital Lens options: Wide, Linear
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low
  • Color options: Vibrant, Natural, Flat

The Aspect Ratio determines the Resolution and Digital Lens options:

Aspect Ratio Resolutions Options
16:9 5.3K, 4K, 1080p
8:7 5.3K

Using manual shutter options with Night Lapse Video:

Manual Shutter Speed Interval Options
30s Auto, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
20s Auto, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
15s Auto, 20s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
10s Auto, 15s, 20s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
5s Auto, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
2s Auto, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s,1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m

Night Lapse Photo

Night Lapse Photo has the following settings/options:

  • Aspect Ratio: 8:7 
  • Resolution: 27MP (5568x4872)
  • Digital Lens options: Wide, Linear
  • RAW in Wide (3s and longer intervals)
  • Zoom

Night Lapse Photo has the following Shutter/Interval options:

Shutter Interval Options
Auto Auto, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s,1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
30s Auto, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
20s Auto, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
15s Auto, 20s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
10s Auto, 15s, 20s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
5s Auto, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m
2s Auto, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s,1m, 2m, 5m, 30m, 60m

Star Trails

Star Trails has the following settings/options:

  • Resolution options: 5.3K or 4K
  • Aspect Ratio options: 16:9, 8:7
  • Digital Lens: Wide
  • Interval: Auto
  • Color: Natural
  • File Type: HEVC (H.265 .mp4)
    • Creates video and .jpg for the final shot.
  • Bit Depth: 8-bit
  • Bit Rate options: High, Standard
  • Shutter options: .5s, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s
  • Trail Length options: Short, Long, Max
  • Scheduled Capture options: On, Off
  • Duration Limit options: No Limit, 15s, 30s, 1min, 5min, 15min, 30m, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr
  • Timer option: Off, 3s, 10s
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low

Light Painting

Light Painting has the following settings/options:

  • Resolution options: 5.3K or 4K
  • Aspect Ratio options: 16:9, 8:7
  • Digital Lens: Wide
  • Interval: Auto
  • Color: Natural
  • File Type: HEVC (H.265 .mp4)
      • Creates video and .jpg for the final shot.
  • Bit Rate options: High, Standard
  • Shutter options: .5s, 1s, 2s
  • Trail Length options: Short, Long, Max
  • Scheduled Capture options: On, Off
  • Duration Limit options: No Limit, 15s, 30s, 1min, 5min, 15min, 30m, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr
  • Timer option: Off, 3s, 10s
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low

Vehicle Lights

Vehicle Lights has the following settings/options:

  • Resolution options: 5.3K or 4K
  • Aspect Ratio options: 16:9, 8:7
  • Digital Lens: Wide
  • Interval: Auto
  • Color: Natural
  • File Type: HEVC (H.265 .mp4)
      • Creates video and .jpg for the final shot.
  • Bit Rate options: High, Standard
  • Shutter options: .5s, 1s, 2s
  • Trail Length options: Short, Long, Max
  • Scheduled Capture options: On, Off
  • Duration Limit options: No Limit, 15s, 30s, 1min, 5min, 15min, 30m, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr
  • Timer option: Off, 3s, 10s
  • Denoise options: High, Medium, Low


Standard Video Mode

16:9 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
HyperView AutoBoost 113 87-100 138-141
HyperView On 113 100 141
HyperView Off 122 108 151
SuperView AutoBoost 109-113 63-86 123-138
SuperView On 113 86 138
SuperView Off 121 93 148
Wide AutoBoost 82-87 52-56 90-95
Wide On 109 63 123
Wide Off 118 69 133
Linear AutoBoost 82-87 52-56 90-95
Linear On 87 56 95
Linear Off 92 61 100
Linear + Horizon Leveling AutoBoost 82-87 52-56 90-95
Linear + Horizon Leveling On 87 56 95
Linear + Horizon Lock AutoBoost 82-87 52-56 89-95
Linear + Horizon Lock On 87 56 95

4:3 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Wide AutoBoost 84-113 68-87 97-138
Wide On 113 87 138
Wide Off 120 92 146
Linear AutoBoost 94-99 73-83 107-112
Linear On 99 83 112
Linear Off 92 83 112
Linear + Horizon Lock AutoBoost 82-87 63-71 94-100
Linear + Horizon Lock On 87 71 100

8:7 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Wide On 113 100 145
Wide Off 122 108 156

9:16 Aspect Ratio (Landscape)

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Wide On 58 100 113
Wide Off 58 100 113

9:16 Aspect Ratio (Portrait)

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Wide On 62 108 122
Wide Off 62 108 122

HERO13 Black with Ultra Wide Lens Mod

16:9 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Ultra HyperView AutoBoost 142-143 110-126 174-177
Ultra HyperView On 142 126 177
Ultra HyperView Off 142 126 177
Ultra SuperView AutoBoost 140-145 83-112 157-176
Ultra SuperView On 148 88 167
Ultra SuperView Off 148 88 167
Wide AutoBoost 89-122 57-71 96-137
Wide On 122 71 137
Wide Off 121 71 137
Linear AutoBoost 94-99 62-67 102-107
Linear On 99 67 107
Linear Off 99 67 107

4:3 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Ultra Wide AutoBoost 145 113 176
Ultra Wide On 145 113 176
Ultra Wide Off 145 113 176
Wide AutoBoost 89-122 72-94 101-148
Wide On 122 94 148
Wide Off 122 94 148
Linear AutoBoost 94-100 78-83 107-112
Linear On 100 83 112
Linear Off 100 83 112

9:16 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Ultra Wide On 88 148 167
Ultra Wide Off 88 148 167
Wide On 71 122 137















1:1 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Ultra Wide On 131 131 176
Ultra Wide Off 131 131 176

HERO13 Black with Macro Lens Mod

16:9 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Wide AutoBoost 82-109 52-63 89-123
Wide On 109 63 123
Linear AutoBoost 82-87 52-56 90-95
Linear On 87 56 95

4:3 Aspect Ratio

Digital Lens HyperSmooth Level Field of View Horizontal (in degrees) Field of View Vertical (in degrees) Field of View Diagonal (in degrees)
Wide AutoBoost 84-113 68-87 97-138
Wide On 113 87 138
Linear AutoBoost 82-87 68-71 94-100
Linear On 87 71 100

Audio Features

Stereo Audio
Advanced Noise Reduction
3-mic Processing

RAW Audio Capture
WAV Format
3.5 Audio Mic Input
Media Mod (H9B/H10B/H11B)
Pro 3.5mm Mic Adapter
Wireless Audio
Support Airpods and other bluetooth headsets

Connected Features

Wi-Fi Frequency
Wi-Fi 6; 2.4GHZ; 5GHz
Wi-Fi Protocol
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
BLE 5.3
USB Port
Mobile App Connection
Quik App
Auto Upload to Cloud
w/GoPro Subscription

User Interface

Presets / Custom Presets
Voice Control
14 Commands
11 Languages with 6 accents

Post-Capture UX

Advanced Metadata
Eco-system Support
Quik App GoPro Labs Open GoPro

Salvestusajad 128GB kaardile.

The tables below are examples of recording storage times for the HERO13 Black with a 128 GB SD card in Standard Video Mode:

  • You can multiply or divide the time relative to your SD card size.
  • These are not battery life estimates. These are storage capacity estimates for the SD card.
  • The numbers below are estimates in a static environment but will vary greatly.

16:9 Aspect Ratio

The numbers below are estimates in a static environment but will vary greatly.

Resolution Frame Rate (FPS) High Bit Rate (Hr:Min) Standard Bit Rate (Hr:Min)
5.3K 60 2:03 4:00
5.3K 30 2:04 4:26
5.3K 24 2:04 4:51
4K 120 2:02 3:11
4K 60 2:03 4:21
4K 30 2:45 5:22
4K 24 3:17 7:53
2.7K 240 2:02 3:23
1080p 240 2:03 3:43
1080p 120 2:40 5:06
1080p 60 3:43 7:39
1080p 30 6:01 11:27

4:3 Aspect Ratio

The numbers below are estimates in a static environment but will vary greatly.

Resolution Frame Rate (FPS) High Bit Rate (Hr:Min) Standard Bit Rate (Hr:Min)
2.7K 120 2:02 3:55

8:7 Aspect Ratio

The numbers below are estimates in a static environment but will vary greatly.

Resolution Frame Rate (FPS) High Bit Rate (Hr:Min) Standard Bit Rate (Hr:Min)
5.3K 30 2:04 4:04
5.3K 24 2:04 4:04
4K 60 2:03 4:00
4K 30 2:04 5:22
4K 24 2:21 6:01

9:16 Aspect Ratio

The numbers below are estimates in a static environment but will vary greatly.

Resolution Frame Rate (FPS) High Bit Rate (Hr:Min) Standard Bit Rate (Hr:Min)
4K 60 2:03 4:21
4K 30 2:45 5:22
1080p 60 3:43 7:39
1080p 30 6:01 11:27

Aku kestvus:

Režiim Salvestusaeg(Minutites) 
5.3K / 60fps 79
5.3K / 30fps 98
5.3K(8:7) / 30fps 94
4K / 120fps 71
4K / 60fps 88
4K / 30fps 108
4K(8:7) / 60fps 79
4K(8:7) / 30fps 101
4K(9:16) / 60fps 99
4K(9:16) / 30fps 133
2.7K / 240fps 78
2.7K(4:3)  / 120fps 96
1080p / 240fps 81
1080p / 120fps 98
1080p / 60fps 106
1080p / 30fps 163
1080p (9:16) / 60fps 128
1080p (9:16) / 30fps 152


Karbis sisaldub


  • HERO13 Black kaamera
  • Laetav Enduro aku
  • Kumer kleebitav kinnitus
  • Madal kiirkinnitus ja pöidlakruvi
  • USB-C kaabel

Accessory Bundle

  • HERO13 Black kaamera
  • Laetav Enduro aku x2
  • Kumer kleebitav kinnitus x2
  • 64GB SanDisk MicroSD Card
  • The Handler
  • Madal kiirkinnitus ja pöidlakruvi
  • USB-C kaabel
  • Kandekott

Creator Ed. 

  • HERO13 Black kaamera
  • Volta
  • Media Mod
  • Light Mod
  • Laetav Enduro aku
  • Magnetiga kiirkinnitus
  • Madal kiirkinnitus ja pöidlakruvi
  • USB-C kaabel
  • Kandekott
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